Sunday, June 10, 2012

Settling in...

The full gamut of emotions comes with the territory of moving. There is the elation of knowing that one is returning to family, home and all things familiar. Yet, after 13 years away, so much is unfamiliar. We couldn't be more fortunate, though, as we have moved into a beautiful house. Dragged poor old Harry (the portrait of my grandfather) across the Atlantic but would not let him fly coach. Thanks to an understanding flight attendant Harry flew first class, albeit in the pilot's closet (with yours truly firmly ensconced in cattle class). Twenty-three hours later, we unlocked our new front door, dazed and exhausted, only to find reprieve in a well-stocked larder, furniture and flowers and more to make the first night as welcoming as possible. And we slept in a coma of burnout, only to be awakened by the doorbell and the delivery of our cats - very much alive and WTF written all over their furry faces...

Grainy (taken at night). Lots more to come once earthly possessions arrive...
(With eternal gratitude to Mum, Henry, Gail and Elisabeth)


  1. So I take it you are British, then, returning home across the atlantic? I didn't realise. Your description of the cats made me wince as i remembered exactly that expression on my pets' faces over he years of moving great distances!,

    But how wonderful to find fresh flowers and supplies waiting for you. A small gesture which makes all the difference.

    1. Hello "Glamour Drops",

      Moving is always the BIGGEST ordeal ever, isn't it? I am actually South African and have moved back home to Cape Town. But we are slowly settling in, and it will be very special to be close to family once again. Phil xxxxx

  2. So glad you are here and safe and sound! Hope your three kitties settle in very well! I'm sure they will. As for the three of you- it does take time- so be generous to yourselves- ! Enjoy your new home, and Welcome back!xx

    1. Thank you, Theresa... hopefully I will see you soon. Off to Dad tomorrow. Lots of love to you all. Will hopefully 'fix' internet soon, where I can 'surf' without limit! :) xxxxxxxxxx

  3. it's just not the same here without you all.


    1. Aw, miss you too, sweet Meg. I will follow your adventures vicariously through your blog... xxxxxxx

  4. Loved your description of returning home....I can relate!!!
